The 5 Most Famous Works By Michelangelo

Michelangelo Buonarroti is undoubtedly one of the greatest artistic exponents of the Italian Renaissance. Together with such renowned characters as Leonardo Da Vinci, Donatello or Boticelli, he recognized the way of being and thinking not only of the art world, but also of all European civilization.

The skills of Michelangelo were so numerous that even today nobody has been able to overcome his particular and meticulous way of expressing reality through his paintings and sculptures.

The painting of Michelangelo

Vault of the Sistine Chapel

It is one of the largest, most successful and most famous frescoes in history. Known throughout the entire planet, its enormous complexity stands out as soon as it enters the gigantic hall of the chapel and raises its face.

Michelangelo decided to translate into this dome the complete narrative of Genesis. For this he divided the roof into sections, simulating different architectural elements. These ornaments act as frames for different scenes. Of all of them, the Creation of Adam is the most powerful. Because of the complexity of performing such immense work and the artist’s refusal to have helpers, it took several years to complete it.

This sculptural ensemble is also in the Vatican, in this case inside the basilica, very close to the entrance. In it appear the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ in the moment in which it is lowered of the cross and it picks up it in its maternal arms.

The piece is so highly detailed that can be admired from all points. The realism of the faces, as well as the achieved folds of the woman’s mantle are splendid. The piece is protected behind a thick glass wall in order to avoid possible blows and bullets. This is due to the attempt made against her by a lunatic in 1971.

David, a colossal hero

This sculpture of enormous dimensions exceeds 5 meters in height. He ideally personifies the biblical character of King David just before he throws the stone at the giant Goliath. It is one of the key figures of the renaissance stage, reason why it continues being exhibited in the Gallery of the Academy of Florence.

But the city has copies displayed in two of its plazas. One of them is in Piazza Signoria, where the original work was found since it was finished until 1873. The other copy is in Michelangelo’s Square, from which it is possible to contemplate one of the best panoramas of this mythical population.

Moses, an imposing prophet

Michelangelo was chosen to decorate the mausoleum dedicated to the memory of Pope Julius II. For this, this virtuoso of the marble chose to carve the figure of the prophet Moisés surrounded by 5 other biblical images.

The face of this spiritual leader Jewish and Christian appears ornamented with a pair of horns on his head. Actually, you should carry two rays of light. This is due to an erratum suffered in large part from the translations of the sacred texts that were made from the Hebrew language.

Despite this, the colossal character does not disappoint in sight. Tourists are often amazed by their realistic appearance. There are those who claim that it is even possible to perceive how it breathes if you look closely at the fins of your nose. The crypt is located in the small church of San Pietro in Vicoli, in the city of Rome.

Bacchus, exotic hedonism

In Florence, the adoptive metropolis of this creator is as magical as the rest but, unfortunately, something less known to the general public. It responds to the name of Bacchus, since it symbolizes the personality and stamp of this classic deity. In it we can see him in the skin of a hedonist man who raises his cup with the right hand, about to drink.

It is considered as the first great work of this virtuoso, who began to work in it with only 21 years. It surprises by the agility of the composition as well as by the fidelity that demonstrates towards the old beliefs that of this god was had in the Greco-Roman culture.