Cute no-knit yarn projects to try

Thanks to social media, knitting is back and cooler than ever. You don’t need to look hard to find images of a variety of projects, including everything from summer dresses to winter scarves.
Knitting is a great way to keep your hands and mind active, and you can often get started with very little investment. Not only can the hobby be picked up (and put down) at any time, but the materials required are also often inexpensive.

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How do you start knitting?

All you need to get started is some yarn, needles, and creativity! You can choose to either try your hand at knitting or crocheting. The two are similar but have slightly different techniques to produce a different appearance.

Knitting uses two needles while crocheting uses a single hook. The single hook used to crochet produces looser stitches than knitted stitches, which tend to be tight. This difference has allowed crocheted clothing to be particularly popular in warmer weather, due to its light and breathable feel.

Whether you choose to knit or crochet, there are endless possibilities of things you can make. From jumpers to scarves, no matter which method you choose, you’re bound to make something you love.

You may want to consider trying a kit in the beginning. These will provide you with all the necessary materials you need to create your first item.

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Crochet blanket kits from a specialist such as are a useful way to try your hand at a new skill with a step-by-step guide. Plus, you get a beautiful blanket that adds a splash of colour to your home.

Cute no-knit yarn projects you can try now

If knitting and crocheting just isn’t for you, there are other ways to use yarn to make something new.

If you have some cardboard, you could try making these woven coasters.

If you only have yarn, learning how to make a no-knit pom-pom opens the door to making pom-pom garlands. The same method can also be used to make yarn pumpkins that can be used as decor in October.