Conflict Management Styles

Managing conflicts is a process that includes understanding the origin of the conflict and finding a fair solution. While it may not be possible to resolve every conflict in a diplomatic manner, certain practices can help prevent or minimise conflict.

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Before you decide how to deal with conflict, you should learn about your own personality and values. This will help you determine which style of conflict management to use. You might also consider professional training or mediation techniques to improve your ability to resolve conflict. For details on a Challenging behaviour training course and conflict management courses, go to Tidal Training, suppliers of Challenging behaviour training course options.

Conflict management styles can fall into two distinct categories – the distributive and integrative dimensions. Both styles are effective when they are used in conjunction with other methods.

The integrative style is best for when the final solution will have a big impact on all parties. This approach requires a careful consideration of the interests of all involved.

The compromising style is used when the final solution is not going to be temporary. This approach is often the most effective when all parties are willing to work with the other party to find a solution that will satisfy them.

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Competing is a style that is used when a decision needs to be made quickly and the other party refuses to compromise. This approach will not let you back down until you have reached your goal. This type of conflict management is particularly useful for unpopular decisions.

Avoidance is a type of conflict management that is most common in small disagreements. In this case, cooling off is usually the best solution.