5 ways to get more reliable business data

Many organisations need to address data debt, which is linked to poor data governance. Here are some ways to make your business data more reliable.

Enhance the Foundations of Your Data

It helps to establish key elements early on so that your data is reliable. To enhance data reliability, it helps to partner with a trusted data collection company.

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Examine the Origin of Incoming Data

Disorganised and unreliable data doesn’t occur by chance – there’s always an origin. To improve the reliability of your business data, trace it back to its source.

Identify if forms or manual imports are contributing to poor data quality in your database. Determine whether various team members are introducing conflicting data in diverse ways across multiple applications.

Streamline Data Collection Processes

Streamline and optimise data collection channels. To ensure the validity and reliability of the collected data, verify the following for each piece of information:

1. Confirm data necessity.
2. Maintain consistent formatting.
3. Secure explicit permissions for data collection.
4. Ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

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Enhance Data Organisation

Systematically organise business data with user consent. Use segmentation techniques, like labels and tags, to categorise contacts by preferences, demographics, and purchase history. Integrate applications with iPaaS for synchronised data across segments.

Partnering with a trusted data collection company enhances data collection methods, ensures compliance with data protection regulations and contributes to a robust and organised dataset.

Eliminate Data Silos

Data silos, where information is isolated to specific departments, result in unreliable data and hinder organisational performance. For more information, check out Conga.

To address this issue, implement a central CRM system, integrate data across your tech stack, and foster collaboration among departments. Breaking down these barriers ensures seamless data access and sharing, enhancing the reliability and coherence of your business data.