What you Need to Have on a School Website

For a school, one of the first things that parents will look at when it comes to getting more information about the school and deciding where they would like to send their child, is the website. The school website is an important resource nowadays, and as well as being something that people who are choosing a school can look at, it is also something that can be used by staff, current students And their parents.

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Having a good website built by a professional like this primary school websites designer www.fsedesign.co.uk/websites-for-schools/primary-school-websites is crucial, and you also need to ensure that the right information is included on the site. Here are some of the things that a good school website has on it…

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Ofsted Information – One of the things that people like to look at when choosing a school is the OFSTED report, so make sure that this is on the website and easy to find.

School Staff Information – Having information on the staff that work at the school is a great way for parents to put a face to a name and identify the various staff roles in the school.

A Calendar and Diary Dates – A website is brilliant for passing on information easily, so make sure that you have a calendar of the school year, and any important dates and events that students and parents will need to be aware of.

School Policies– The uniform regulations and policies that the school works to are also a good thing to have on the site so that everyone is clear on the requirements and processes at the school.