First aid and its provision at work

All workplaces benefit from the provision of having First aiders  to help and assist with any issues that might happen to staff.  Surprisingly, there is no provision in law that says a company or shop or any other kind of retail outlet has to provide first aid to customers.  This is generally down to the discretion of the person who is the first aider and it is very uncommon for them not to respond to a call should you have an incident in a business or retail outlet. First Aid at Work Gloucester and other major cities and towns can be provided by the training centre in the link.  They will equip the volunteers in your organisation who wish to learn first aid.

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The work of a first aid person can be critical in saving lives,  more so than you would probably actually give them credit for. CPR  is one of the main subjects taught to first aiders so that they can do with anyone experiencing heart trauma.  However there is no guarantee that they will be able to rescue the person. The role of the First Aider is to try and stabilise the person until the ambulance arrives.

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For the most part First Aiders are called to deal with slips and trips, cuts and bruises.  The main cause of accidents in many workplaces is items being left lying around and when it comes to supermarkets grapes are a particularly dangerous fruit that should be avoided at all costs if you see them on the floor.