How to make fresh pasta recipe for pasta machine

Making a fresh pasta recipe for your meal got incredibly easy when you have a pasta machine at home. I am pretty sure you cannot wait any longer to have some fresh, juicy and healthy home cooked pasta especially when it’s prepared with some great cheese. Homemade pasta is much healthier than the one we usually bought from the super market. If you want to give your pasta a smooth and shiny look you have to use a pasta machine. This article is all about how to make fresh pasta recipe for pasta machine.

Make some fresh pasta dough:

I bet everyone will be convince to use a best pasta maker because it will eventually reduce a lot of time  and it will delivered perfectly formed pasta with silky quality.

Pasta an Italian classic dish that got so popular in all over the world just because of its juicy taste and easy to make concept. Within a few minutes your desired dish will be ready to eat. In below I will show you how to make fresh pasta recipe for pasta machine.


1 cup of all purpose flour

2 eggs, nicely beaten

1 cup of durum or semolina flour

2 egg yolks, nicely beaten

1/2 teaspoon fresh water


First you have to mix all your ingredients together. This will not take more than two minutes. Now you have to add the flours to the bowl for mixing. Make sure you hook on the paddle attachment, and to begin with turn your mixer to low speed otherwise flours may spoiled all over. Now slowly start to pour in the eggs and beat well until its get crumbly, you can add little water if you need to.

Sprinkle some lair of flour on the table. Put the dough onto the table and start kneading it for about two minutes until it comes together and become smooth. Kneading the dough is pretty easy you just have to squish it, roll it and then repeat the process for some times.

After you have the smooth dough, take out and place it into a flat disk, wrap it with plastic and keep it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Once it has rested for 2 hours take out from refrigerator and pushes to get little flatten the disk with your hands and sprinkle with some flour on both sides of the sheet.

Now run the dough to the pasta maker and set the machine with the flat rollers mode which is their most open setting; try to fold the dough sheet into the thirds, it should be like a letter, and roll it back to the pasta machine again. If the dough still sticks, use some more flour. Keep doing the whole process (Fold and roll) for three more times on the existing setting and it will make a silky texture on the pasta.

Now you have to stretch your pasta dough. Make sure you keep running the dough through the flat rollers and try to close the gap between the rollers. Take one stop every time you roll your pasta through the machine. You can use your free hand to take control when the pasta comes out from the bottom of the pasta machine. Fold the sheet to back over. This way you can prevent it from piling into a lump that may lead your pasta to stick together. If you see your dough begins to stick you can start sprinkle again lightly with some flour. At setting 3 or 4 make me satisfy and I stop. I can see the thinner pasta that breaks quite easily and it will let your noodle to get a little extra thickness.

After that you have to change the attachment setting on the pasta machine to cut the pasta into strips. Roll the pasta sheet through the machine to cut with your preferred attachment. You can also cut your flat sheets of pasta using your hand with a long sharp knife.

Once you finished hang them into a pasta hanger (you can use chair) to dry. You have to make sure they don’t touch one another otherwise they will stick together. Leave it for twenty minutes.

If you want to store the pasta for a longer period you have to dry it completely or you can refrigerate it in a sealed bag for later use.

Cook it fresh:

Now here is the best part – eating!  To cook your pasta you have to take a large pot of water and set it to boil. Once the water start boiling adds 3 table spoons of salt and place the pasta into the water. Leave it for another 3 minutes until it back to a boil. Stir the noodles frequently so they will not stick together. Cook for 3-6 minutes.  To serve the pasta you have to strain the water and add cheese or classic tomato sauce anything you want to increase the flavor. Now it’s the time to taste some pasta as all secrete has revile on how to make fresh pasta recipe for pasta machine.