Decorating a Bedroom to Give you a Good Night’s Sleep

Your bedroom is a room that needs to be a special place – being able to relax and get a good night’s sleep is crucial to our health and wellbeing, so you need to have a bedroom that allows you to get that. Bedroom décor and design is more than what looks good – it is also about what makes you able to relax and retreat from the stress of the rest of the world.

When it comes to bedroom décor, the most important thing of course is the bed. Your bed needs to be suitable for you and ensure that you can get a comfortable night’s sleep. The mattress that you choose needs to be right for you, as a bad mattress can cause back and neck problems.

The bedding that you choose also needs to be suitable – you need to be warm and comfortable, however in the summer you might want to have lighter blankets or a lower tog duvet available, so have a range of bedding that you can change depending on the season.

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You also need to consider storage in the bedroom. Bedrooms are used for storing clothes and other things such as the spare bedding for example, so you need to make sure that you have the right storage. There are lots of ways that you can make the most of the storage in your bedroom – for example, you might want to use a blanket box at the end of the bed for storing blankets and quilts, and if you need more hanging space, look into getting fitted wardrobes, as these can optimise the space that you can use.

Colour is also another important thing to think about. The colour that you paint your bedroom needs to be appealing to you as well as being soothing. Bright and harsh colours may work well in some rooms where you have a lot of activity, but in a bedroom softer more muted tones work much better. Look into colour psychology to find out more about how different colours have an effect on the brain.

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Last but not least, you need to make sure that your bedroom is a place to unwind – and this means no electrical devices! To make the atmosphere calming use soft lighting to help your brain relax into sleep.