Planning a Retirement Holiday? Make sure you Protect your Home Whilst you are Away

Retirement is the chance to let your hair down and make plans that are all about you – as well as practical decisions such as financial planning and moving to somewhere that is suited for retirement living like these park homes Gloucestershire retirement is also a time to plan in all of the fun things that you have the freedom to be able to do now – and the top of the list for many people is planning their dream holiday!

Whatever it is that you want to do for a holiday – whether it is exploring the European cities, spending some time travelling around the UK, or going further afield and heading out to more far flung destinations, one thing that you won’t have to factor in is getting back for work.

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However, something that you do need to bear in mind when you are planning to be away from home for a while, is that you need to make sure your property is safe and that it is how you left it when you return. Burglars will tend to strike if they know a house is empty, so here are some of the things that you can do to give you that peace of mind whilst you are away enjoying your well-earned holiday…

Make Sure to Check your Home Insurance Policy – Before you go it is worth making sure that your home insurance is covering you for all that you need and what things might void the policy. Make amendments if you are concerned about it.

Don’t make it Obvious that you are Away – If it is obvious that your home is empty this could attract burglars, so see if you can get a friend, neighbour or family member to pop in and do things like take the bins out, collect the post and draw the curtains. A light timer also can turn lights on and off automatically.

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Keep Valuables stored Somewhere Safe – Any items that you have in the house that are valuable or precious to you, such as money, jewellery or important documents should be stored away somewhere that can be locked. It is well worth getting a safe for your house if you want to make sure that you can keep all of these things protected.