Five ways to manage stress

Stress is a part of everyday life, yet sometimes it can become hard to cope with. Thankfully, there are ways to help manage stress. Let’s take a closer look at some tried and tested methods.

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  1. Reduce Stressors

    While some stress is unavoidable, you can take steps to minimise unnecessary stress in your life. For example, don’t put off a task that can be done today if it will cause you stress later on.

    2. Change your Schedules

    If you have a particularly stressful day coming up, look closely at what you could change to improve your situation. It might mean rearranging meetings, or changing appointments to different days.

    3. Be Flexible

    According to NIH psychological flexibility can improve well-being. Accept that sometimes things may not go to plan and that you may have to find other ways around problems.

    4. Accept Stress as Part of Life

    Accepting that some stress is inevitable gives you back a sense of control. This can help manage any negative feelings stress causes.

    5. Health Stress Relief

    Take part in activities that promote stress relief. One of the best ways to do this is through exercise. Whether you hit the gym or go for a walk outside, staying active is known to reduce stress levels and bring a sense of relaxation.

    Further Advice on Stress Management

    If you are looking to learn more about stress, you could try mental health training courses Blackpool or other places near you. For an idea of what such courses might involve, try There are also helpful resources online.

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While stress is a natural part of life, it can sometimes be overwhelming. It is important to remember that you are not alone and that seeking advice is the first step in overcoming the challenges stress can bring.