Why SEO and UX need to work together

Although search engine optimisation (SEO) and user experience (UX) might sound like two distinctly separate techniques and strategies, at their core they should always be motivated and informed by the same goals and objectives.

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Ensuring mobile friendliness

With mobile browsing consistently increasing, search engine algorithms now actively prioritise mobile-friendly websites as they strive to deliver the most relevant, valuable and accessible content to every user for every search query.

Prioritising page load speed

Ensuring each page on your site loads quickly is important for several key reasons. Slow loading pages often have high bounce rates, as users know they don’t have to wait for an answer to their query when they can easily locate the same information elsewhere if necessary. Long page load times have also been linked to negative influences on conversion rates.

As search engines often work within allocated crawl budgets, you might also find that fewer pages are crawled and your indexing is negatively affected if your page load speed is poor.

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Striving for sensible site structures

As users expect websites to be easy to navigate, it is critical that your on-site structure is logical and user-friendly. From ensuring your site’s home button is always in the same place to incorporating an effective search bar and organising your content into clear and well-considered categories, there are a variety of steps you can take to create a website that your users find easy to use. Remember that if your website is not user-friendly, your audience will look elsewhere.

Giving appropriate attention to images

Not all internet users can see the images on websites that many of us take for granted, which is why alt-text is so important. These crucial pieces of information tell visually-impaired internet users and search engine bots what an image is seeking to communicate, which ultimately improves your website’s user experience for everyone.

Agencies such as http://digi-tel.co.uk/gloucestershire-seo-services/white-label-seo-services/ can work with you to ensure that your alt-text incorporates important keywords, providing the best possible user experience for every visitor. They may also provide white label SEO services.

Creating the best experience for every visitor

The more successful your website at ensuring every visitor can easily locate the information they need, the more valuable search engines and audiences will find your most important digital asset.